a form 990 app

Disclaimer — Content provided on this page and via links are based on general knowledge and do not constitute accounting or legal advice. The Strategic Org advises anyone reading or adapting this content to consult their accounting and legal professionals before filing their Form 990.

Most nonprofits wisely leave preparation of their Form 990 tax return to an accounting professional, especially smaller organizations without dedicated accounting staff. But if you’re managing fundraising in Salesforce, the data your accountant needs for the important Schedules A & B lives in your org. The solution described here can make everyone’s lives easier when tax return time rolls around, and includes the following elements —

  • A Form 990 object to collect and clearly present the information required on key Schedules A, B & M
  • Custom fields to capture info relevant to each Account/contributor
  • Automations & rollups for needed/required calculations (ex: totaling Program Revenue)
  • A set of reports displaying the data needed each year
  • A dashboard to give you easy access to the above elements

    a lot of links

    from the irs


      • Form 990 (Instructions)
      • Form 990, Schedule A (Instructions)
      • Form 990, Schedule B (Instructions)
      • Form 990EZ  
        Organizations with gross receipts of less than $200,000 and total assets of less than $500,000 are generally eligible to file Form 990-EZ  (Instructions)
      • Form 990-N (e-Postcard) 
        Small organizations with annual gross receipts under $50,000 are generally eligible to file Form 990-N (User Guide)

    a lot of links

    from the irs


      • Form 990 (Instructions)
      • Form 990, Schedule A (Instructions)
      • Form 990, Schedule B (Instructions)
      • Form 990EZ  
        Organizations with gross receipts of less than $200,000 and total assets of less than $500,000 are generally eligible to file Form 990-EZ  (Instructions)
      • Form 990-N (e-Postcard) 
        Small organizations with annual gross receipts under $50,000 are generally eligible to file Form 990-N (User Guide)